Free and reset you body, mind and emotions.

Freeset is a combination of traditional yoga asana and philisophy and somatic experiencing. Indeed, a genuine asana practice is actually somatic experiencing.

In a world of dumbed down and badly taught yoga, Freedom monkey, ironically, has found the only way to share the true essence of yoga is no longer to call it yoga at all.

In the West the word “yoga” has lost all it’s essential meaning.


Karma - Active/Service

Bhakti - Devotion/Worship

Raja - Intellect/mind

Jnana - Philosophy/Knowledge

These are considered different paths through which to find God in oneself.

You will notice there are no physical postures here in what are traditional yoga schools. However, at some point Raja yogis developed a set of physical postures (asanas) and pranayamas (breathing exercises) as it became clear that for some people, the body needed to be cleansed deeply before the mind could be. This is known as Hatha yoga. The yoga class at your local gym is based on Hatha yoga and therefore merely part (if there is no pranayama) of a preparatory series of movements before Raja yoga instruction.

These are all examples of what is called a right hand path. The notion that we must cleanse ourselves - physically, mentally and emotionally in order to find our true selves.

The belief in hatha yoga is that our bodies are heavy, cumbersome (almost sinful) things that get in the way of us becoming who we really are - spiritual beings in human form. Asana (postures) helps to open up the body and allow the energy (prana) to move through us.

Once we understand the nadi and chakra system things become more clear.

However, in Kriya yoga alongside somatic experiencing and breathwork, we can actually use asana to contemplate and experience the true essence of the yoga tradition.

True yoga is a complex lifestyle with a myriad of complex concepts for body and mind.

Freeset aims to tackle every type of issue by re-balancing hidden trauma responses, the mind and energy field whilst also cleansing and healing the body on a physical and emotional level.

To delve into the different schools and practices, a very different vehicle of teaching is required.

Michael teaches a traditional yogic practice based on a mixture of right and left hand principles (Kriya).

He is also a somatic and breathwork facilitator.

He has taught in France, The United Kingdom and Italy.

Please email for more details.
