Freedom Monkey is a therapeutic model that uses the seven chakra system from yogic tradition in order to convey the multi-layered process of liberation from conditioning, karma and trauma wounds. Leading to what many may term as “enlightenment”. Many existing models of healing or liberation concentrate on love, light and opening the heart and crown. Freedom Monkey contends that although part of a spiritual path, these alone produce a skewered and incomplete practice mostly spurred on by what is known as “spiritual bypassing”. But we don’t only bypass on a spiritual path. All of us use tools to bypass what Jung called “our shadow selves” - the parts of us, the emotions we can’t bear to face. Alcohol , drugs, pornography, gambling, social media, anger or violence, people pleasing or depression can all be ways to bypass our true feelings. Methods that may have worked initially but that now, no longer serve us.

Put more simply - Whether we are simply looking to improve our lives or fancy ourselves as seeking true liberation, every facet of ourselves needs to be healed and worked upon. The more honest, brave and humble we are, the more we realise that there is much to work on.

Spiritual improvement is much, much more than sampling the enjoyable parts on offer. At our core we are simply over intelligent monkeys. If we go beyond the limits of our DNA then we can become freedom itself:

Healed Freedom Monkeys.

It is trauma or accumulated karma that stops us being free. Free to express ourselves as we truly are. From a somatic point of view, this trauma sits in the body and we need to open and provide space in order to allow this unwanted energy to flow and release.

The seven main energy centres in the body have been recognised for millennia as the chakras. Traditionally hailing from India, they are now universally recognised throughout the world. Yoga asana is the preliminary practice to open these centres allowing the energy to flow through and out.

As seen in the graphic above, however, the chakras can be used to understand and heal every aspect of ourselves - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. FREEDOM MONKEY is a system utilising the seven energy centres to understand where we are blocked in any aspect and thus cleaning ourselves so that we can achieve freedom on every level of our being.


Masculine Monkey


Counselling Monkey